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RRB JE Salary : In Hand Salary, Career Growth & Job Role

The salary of a Junior Engineer (JE) in the Indian Railways, specifically under the RRB (Railway Recruitment Board), can vary based on several factors such as location, allowances, and pay scale revisions. However, as of the latest available information:

  1. Pay Scale: Junior Engineers in Indian Railways typically fall under the pay scale of Level 6 of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) Pay Matrix.

  2. Basic Pay: The basic pay for a Junior Engineer is around Rs. 35,400 per month.

  3. Allowances: In addition to the basic pay, there are various allowances such as Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), and Transport Allowance (TA), which can vary based on the location of posting.

  4. Gross Salary: Taking into account all allowances, the gross salary of an RRB JE could range from approximately Rs. 44,900 to Rs. 52,500 per month, depending on the city of posting.T

RRB JE Salary Components

Salary ComponentAmount (Rs.)
Basic Pay (Pay Level 6)35,400
Dearness Allowance (DA)50%
House Rent Allowance (HRA)Depending on city/category (Class A, B, C)
Transport AllowanceDepending on city/category
Other AllowancesMedical facilities, leave travel concession, etc.

RRB JE Salary During Training Period

Salary ComponentAmount (Rs.)
Basic Pay35,400
Dearness Allowance17,700
Total (No Deductions)53,100

RRB JE Salary After Training Period

Salary ComponentAmount (Rs.)
Gross Salary53100 + HRA + TPT
Deductions (approx.)NPS + GIS
In-Hand Salary53100 + HRA + TPT- Deductions 

Deductions Breakdown

Deduction ComponentAmount (Rs.)
Income TaxAccording To IT Slab
Professional Tax200
Miscellaneous TaxIf Applicable
Total Deductions5,510 + GIS & Other Taxes

RRB JE Career Growth & Job Role

Career StageResponsibilities
Junior EngineerEntry-level role, operational responsibilities
Senior Section EngineerSupervisory role, manages specific sections or projects
Assistant Divisional EngineerSupervisory role, oversees division’s engineering operations
Divisional EngineerResponsible for division-level operations and management
Senior Divisional EngineerSenior managerial role, broader responsibilities

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