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🗒 Leave Not Due (LND) Rules for Government Employees in Haryana

Leave Not Due (LND) Rules - Haryana Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 2016
Leave Not Due (LND) Rules – Haryana Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 2016

Leave not due on half pay can be granted to permanent government employees in Haryana under specific conditions. This leave, which may be for a period not exceeding 360 days during the employee’s entire service, is subject to the following criteria:

Eligibility and Conditions

  1. Medical Certificate Required: Employees must provide a medical certificate to qualify for leave not due.
  2. Prospect of Return: The granting authority must be satisfied that there is a reasonable prospect of the employee returning to duty after the leave expires.
  3. Limitations on Leave: Leave not due is limited to the amount of half pay leave the employee is likely to earn in the future and will be debited against their half pay leave account.

Voluntary Retirement Considerations

When an employee on leave not due applies for voluntary retirement, the effective date of retirement depends on the type of leave taken:

  • For Private Affairs: Retirement is effective from the commencement date of the leave, and the employee must refund any leave salary drawn during that period.
  • For Medical Reasons: Retirement takes effect from the date of receipt of the retirement notice, requiring the employee to refund the leave salary drawn from that date onward.

If an employee who has taken leave not due applies for voluntary retirement or resigns after returning to duty, they must refund any leave salary received, adjusted for any half pay leave credited after their return. However, no refund is necessary if retirement is due to ill health, in the event of death, or in cases of premature or compulsory retirement.

Conversion of Leave

It is important to note that leave not due cannot be converted into commuted leave or any other kind of leave, even with a medical certificate.

Authority to Grant Leave

The authority to grant leave not due varies based on employee classification:

Employee GroupAuthorityMaximum Leave Duration
Group C and DHead of OfficeUp to 60 days
Any Government
employee under their
Head of DepartmentUp to 120 days
Administrative DepartmentUp to 180 days


Understanding the provisions for leave not due is essential for government employees in Haryana to manage their leave effectively while ensuring compliance with the regulations. For further updates on leave policies, stay informed through official government channels.

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