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Haryana Police Female Constable Additional PMT List: Download Admit Card & Shortlisted Candidates List.

Haryana Police Female Constable Additional PMT List
Haryana Police Female Constable Additional PMT List

The Haryana Police Department has released the additional Physical Measurement Test (PMT) list for female constables. This list is an important step for candidates in the recruitment process. The PMT includes various physical standards to assess eligibility. Learn how to download the admit card and the importance of the PMT in the recruitment process. Stay updated by regularly checking the official Haryana Police recruitment website.

Haryana Police Female Constable Additional PMT List – Overview

  1. Publication of Lists:

    • Previous Notices: The Commission had previously published lists of candidates for the PMT. The dates mentioned (21.07.2024, 26.07.2024, and 7.08.2024) indicate when these lists were made available.
    • Additional Candidates: Due to a high number of absentees from the SC (Scheduled Castes) and UR (Unreserved) categories, the Commission decided to call additional candidates. The new list includes three times the total number of posts in these categories.
  2. Schedule:

    • PMT Date: The Physical Measurement Test for the shortlisted candidates is scheduled for 15.08.2024.
    • PST Date: Candidates who qualify the PMT will then appear for the Physical Standard Test (PST) on 16.08.2024.
    • Publication of Results: The list of candidates who pass the PMT and qualify for the PST will be published by the evening of 14.08.2024.
  3. Action Steps for Candidates:

    • Admit Card: Candidates need to download their admit cards from the provided link:
    • Grievance Redressal: Candidates can raise grievances online by using the “Raise Grievance” link available on the admit card portal until 14.08.2024 (11:59 PM). No physical grievances will be accepted.
  4. Reasons for Non-Shortlisting:

    • Annexure – B: Provides reasons for candidates whose CET (Common Entrance Test) marks are above the cut-off but were not shortlisted.
    • Annexure – C: Lists reasons for candidates who were not shortlisted in their applied categories.
  5. Potential Errors and Rectifications:

    • Technical/Administrative Errors: The Commission acknowledges that there might be inadvertent or technical errors in the shortlisting process and reserves the right to rectify these errors later if needed.
  6. Website and Accessibility:

    • Notice Availability: The full notice is available on the HSSC official website:

Annexure-A: Schedule for Physical Measurement Test (PMT) – Female Constable (GD)

DateShiftTimeRegistration Numbers
15-08-20241st Shift06:30 A.M. (No Entry After 07:00 A.M.)3067 – 633857
15-08-20242nd Shift08:30 A.M. (No Entry After 09:00 A.M.)633909 – 1841323


The notice updates candidates on changes in the shortlisting process due to high absenteeism and provides new schedules for the PMT and PST. It also outlines the procedure for downloading admit cards and addressing grievances. Candidates should carefully follow the instructions and check the HSSC website for the latest updates.

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