🌟 Earned Leave (EL) Rules For Government Employees in Haryana

The Earned Leave (EL) rules for Haryana government employees are governed by the Haryana Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 2016. These rules are divided into two main categories: those applicable to employees not in the vacation wing and those for employees within the vacation wing.
1. Earned Leave for Employees Other Than Vacation Wing
Earned Leave Entitlement
The rate of earned leave for government employees not in the vacation wing is as follows:
Service Duration | Rate of Earned Leave |
First 10 Years | 1/24th of the period spent on duty |
Next 10 Years (11-20 Years) | 1/18th of the period spent on duty |
After 20 Years | 1/12th of the period spent on duty |
Maximum Accumulation of Earned Leave (EL)
Earned leave (EL) can accumulate indefinitely, but the maximum leave that may be granted at one time is:
Condition | Maximum Leave |
Spent in India | 365 days |
Spent out of India | 500 days |
Note: The period of leave spent in India must not exceed 365 days.
Sanctioning Authorities for Earned Leave (EL)
The following authorities can sanction earned leave:
Employee Group | Authority | Maximum Leave |
Group C & D Employees | Head of Office | Up to 120 days (within/out of India) |
Group A & B Employees | Head of Office | Up to 30 days (within/out of India) |
Any Government Employee | Head of Department | Up to 240 days (within/out of India) |
Administrative Department |
Note: Earned leave exceeding these limits requires prior approval from the Finance Department.
2. Earned Leave (EL) for Employees of Vacation Wing
1. General Provisions
- Government employees in the vacation wing do not earn leave for any year they take the full vacation.
- Exception: Teaching staff in vacation wings can earn 10 days of earned leave for each completed year of service, in lieu of half pay leave, but this is not applicable during the first year.
2. Leave Entitlement When Vacation is Not Taken
If an employee in the vacation wing is prevented from taking the full vacation due to specific orders, the following earned leave is granted based on their years of service:
Years of Service | Earned Leave |
Up to 10 years | 15 days |
More than 10 years but not exceeding 20 years | 20 days |
Over 20 years | 30 days |
Note: If an employee is prevented from enjoying more than 15 days of vacation, they are considered to have taken no vacation.
3. No Vacation Taken
If an employee does not take vacation in a year, they will be entitled to earned leave according to the provisions above.
Important Notes
- When a government employee is recalled to duty or directed to attend training or seminars during vacation, an entry must be made in their service book by the Head of Office.
- The period for training or seminars includes travel time.
Employees of Vacation Wings
The following employees are classified as belonging to the vacation wing:
- Civil Judges (Senior Division), Additional Civil Judges (Senior Division), and Civil Judges (Junior Division), including their establishment.
General Education:
- Principals, staff, and laboratory attendants of Government colleges (excluding librarians and clerical staff).
- Heads, staff, and laboratory attendants of Government schools (excluding clerical staff).
Technical Education:
- Staff of Government Polytechnic Institutions (excluding ministerial and class IV employees).
- Principals and staff of Government Engineering Colleges (excluding ministerial and class IV employees).
- Principal and teaching staff of the Government Footwear Institute, Rewari.
- Faculty in the Pharmacy Department (Principals, Professors, Associate Professors, Readers, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, and Junior Lecturers).
Note: The concerned Administrative Department may declare additional employees or classes of employees as part of the vacation wing.
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- 🌟 Casual Leave (CL) Rules for Haryana Government Employees
- 🌟 Earned Leave (EL) Rules For Government Employees in Haryana
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- 🌟 Half Pay Leave and Commuted Leave Rules for Haryana Government Employees
- Dismissal, Removal and Suspension : Haryana Civil Services (General) Rules, 2016
- General Conditions of Service: Haryana Civil Services (General) Rules, 2016