Allahabad High Court Junior Assistant & Paid Apprentices Recruitment 2024: Eligibility, Vacancies, Salary & More Details.
Allahabad High Court Junior Assistant & Paid Apprentices Recruitment 2024
Allahabad High Court Junior Assistant & Paid Apprentices Recruitment 2024:The Allahabad High Court is inviting online applications for 1,054 Junior Assistant and Paid Apprentice positions under Category ‘C’ Clerical Cadre, as part of the recruitment conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) in accordance with the Uttar Pradesh State District Court Service Rules.
The pay scale for these positions ranges from ₹5,200 to ₹20,200. The selection process includes an OMR-based offline test followed by a Hindi and English typing test on computer for shortlisted candidates. The job location is in Uttar Pradesh. Candidates are encouraged to visit the official website for eligibility criteria and further updates.
NTA (National Testing Agency) & Allahabad High Court
Recruitment Name
Junior Assistant & Paid Apprentices
Advt. No.
01/Dist.Court/Category ‘C’ Clerical Cadre/2024
Total Vacancies
Examination Stages
Stage-I: OMR based offline test Stage-II: Hindi and English Type Test on Computer (for shortlisted candidates only)
Pay Scale
Rs. 5200-20200/-
Job Location
Uttar Pradesh (UP)
Allahabad High Court Junior Assistant & Paid Apprentices Notification 2024 PDF
Allahabad High Court has released the official notification for Junior Assistant and Paid Apprentice posts for 2024 on October 4, 2024. Eligible candidates can apply online from October 4 to October 25, 2024. There will be a correction window for applications from October 26 to October 27, 2024.
The dates for downloading the admit card, displaying the provisional answer key and declaring the result will be announced later, along with details about the date, time and center of the exam. To access detailed instructions and official PDF notification, candidates should visit the official websites of Allahabad High Court or National Testing Agency.
Important Dates
Relevant Time Lines
Online Registration and Submission of Application Form
04 October 2024 to 24 October 2024
Last Date for Successful Transaction of Application Fee
Intermediate with special knowledge of Urdu and Hindi, along with a CCC Certificate issued by NIELIT (DOEACC Society)
Typewriting Skills
25 w.p.m for Hindi and 30 w.p.m. for English on Computer
Additional Knowledge
Arithmetic, mensuration, elementary land surveying, and mapping as per Order XXVI of Act No. V of 1908 and relevant Civil Rules
Mathematics Requirement
Mathematics is not compulsory for Junior Assistant; however, for Amin Grade-II, candidates must have passed with Mathematics as a subject.
2. Paid Apprentices
Educational Qualifications
Intermediate with CCC Certificate issued by NIELIT (DOEACC Society)
Typewriting Skills
25 w.p.m for Hindi and 30 w.p.m. for English on Computer
3. Preferential Qualifications
Service in Territorial Army
Minimum period of two years
N.C.C. Certification
A/B certificate holders will be given preference in direct recruitment
4. Age Limit
Minimum Age
18 years on the 1st day of July in the year of advertisement (2024)
Maximum Age
Must not exceed 40 years on the 1st day of July in the year of advertisement (2024)
Birth Date Range
Candidates must be born between 2nd July 1984 and 1st July 2006
Allahabad High Court Junior Assistant & Paid Apprentices Vacancies
Post Name
No. of Vacancies
Junior Assistant (Category ‘C’)
Paid Apprentices
Allahabad High Court Junior Assistant & Paid Apprentices Salary Structure
The salary structure for the posts of Junior Assistant (Category ‘C’) and Paid Apprentices at the Allahabad High Court is as follows: Both positions have a pay scale of ₹5,200 – ₹20,200. The Junior Assistant receives a grade pay of ₹2,000, resulting in a basic salary of ₹21,700. In contrast, Paid Apprentices have a grade pay of ₹1,900, which leads to a basic salary of ₹19,900.
Salary Components
Junior Assistant (Category ‘C’)
Paid Apprentices
Pay Scale
Rs. 5200-20200/-
Grade Pay
Rs. 2000/-
Rs. 1900/-
Basic Salary
₹ 21700/-
₹ 19900/-
Selection Procedure
1. Syllabus & Modalities
Stage-I: Written Examination
Maximum Marks
100 marks
90 Minutes
100 marks
90 Minutes
General Studies
100 questions
90 Minutes
100 marks
90 Minutes
No Negative Marking: There will be no penalties for incorrect answers.
Question Paper Languages: Available in both English and Hindi; discrepancies will be resolved in favor of the English version.
Minimum Qualifying Marks: Candidates must secure at least 10 out of 25 marks in both Hindi and English Type Tests.
Stage-II: Type Test on Computer
Minimum Speed
Hindi Type Test
10 minutes
25 w.p.m
English Type Test
10 minutes
30 w.p.m
Hindi: Approximately 250 words
English: Approximately 300 words
Keyboard Layout: Inscript Keyboard layout (Mangal Font) for Hindi typing.
Type Test Mode: Conducted online with contents provided on the computer screen.
2. Selection Stages
Common offline written examination (objective type on OMR sheet). 100 questions. Five candidates per vacancy will be shortlisted for Stage-II.
Hindi & English Type Test on Computer. Dates will be notified after Stage-I results.
Not part of the selection process.
Merit List
A combined merit list will be prepared based on marks obtained in Stage-I and Stage-II. Higher-scoring candidates will be offered the Junior Assistant position first, followed by Paid Apprentices.
3. Additional Notes
The appointing and selecting authority will follow any general or special orders issued by the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the High Court regarding examination and selection.
Marking Scheme for Allahabad High Court Junior Assistant & Paid Apprentices
1. Stage-I: Written Test
Type of Questions
Multiple Choice Objective Type (Offline mode/ OMR based)
Each correct answer: 1 Mark
Negative Marking
No negative marking for incorrect answers.
Unanswered Questions
No marks for questions left unanswered or unattempted.
Incorrect or Ambiguous Questions
If a question is incorrect or ambiguous, only those who attempted and selected one of the correct answers will receive marks.
Dropped Questions
If a question is dropped due to error, full marks will be awarded to all candidates.
2. Stage-II: Hindi and English Typing Test on Computer
For English Type Test
Mistake Deduction
Marks deducted for each mistake (error): 0.0833 mark per mistake.
For Hindi Type Test
Mistake Deduction
Marks deducted for each mistake (error): 0.100 mark per mistake.
Full Mistake Errors
– Left-out words and spelling mistakes will be treated as full mistakes.
– Punctuation Errors
An error in punctuation will count as a full mistake.
– Content Accuracy
Typing anything other than the provided passage will count as a full mistake.
– Extra Words
Extra words typed will be ignored.
Speed Calculation
Speed will be calculated based on net correct words typed and the time taken for submission.
Admit Card Information for the Allahabad High Court Junior Assistant & Paid Apprentices Examination
Candidates will receive city intimation 5 to 7 days prior to the examination. The Allahabad High Court Junior Assistant & Paid Apprentices provisional admit card will be available for download 2 to 3 days before the exam, contingent on meeting eligibility criteria. Admit cards can be downloaded from the NTA Recruitment Website or the Allahabad High Court Website.
It is crucial for candidates to attend the examination at the designated center specified on their admit card and to carry at least one photo-identity card, such as a voter ID, passport, or driving license. Candidates will not be permitted to enter any other examination center. If there are issues downloading the admit card, candidates should contact the Help Line during working hours. Any discrepancies in personal details on the admit card should be reported immediately, although candidates may still participate in the exam with the downloaded card.
Important Links
Allahabad High Court Junior Assistant & Paid Apprentices Online Application Form